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Top 7 Things You Need to Know Before Renovating Your Kitchen.

Things You Need to Know Before Renovating Your Kitchen

Are you planning for kitchen remodeling? Seeking some new kitchen renovation ideas? Here’s all you must consider before initializing the remodeling plan.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Things to consider before renovating the kitchen
  3. Factors to be considered
  4. Essential questions
  5. Bottom Line

1. Introduction

Your kitchen renovation is indeed a huge deal. It is undoubtedly one of the most critical remodel areas that you would undertake in the home.

Those who have gone through the remodeling task devoid of any prior information may find it daunting. But do you know that if it is done with appropriate planning and management, it can be rewarding in the form of a beautiful kitchen transformation, making your everyday cooking experience a relaxing one?

Yes, the cooking environment affects the entire cooking mood!

But before beginning with the kitchen renovation thought, don’t forget to ask yourself one question!

Ask yourself what you will gain after the renovation, and is it all worth it?

Firstly, you must determine the core need for renovating your kitchen. List down what you want, and will the renovation provide the same? And if you are unable to get the answer, you must either rethink or connect an expert to get advice on the same.

If the answer you got is yes! Then here you will find everything you must consider for that much-needed renovation.

2. Things to consider before renovating the kitchen

Before deciding on renovating your kitchen, kitchen space is often associated with the health, nutrition, and area catering to the food requirements of everyone at home.

You may have thought of several other factors, but still, the list is huge when it comes to renovating the kitchen spaces.

Just like the essential factors to be considered before renovating the kitchen, you must consider several other crucial things before renovating the space. Here are some essentials you must consider.

  • Kitchen Flooring

 Kitchen Flooring

Kitchen floorings essentially need to be comfortable as you spend most of your time cooking, and additionally, the comfort must contribute to enhancing the interiors of the space.

You will find ample flooring materials, including marble, porcelain, wooden, and many more. You must choose the one that fits your budget and the décor.

  • Lighting


There is no doubt that lighting majorly contributes to enhancing the look of the entire space. Even if you have spent a lot on your kitchen design and interiors, if you have fixed the bad lighting, there is certainly no fun in spending so much on the other essentials.

You need to give great attention to the lighting of the space. To give your cooking space the desired energetic vibe, you must choose the lighting that never lacks in creating that essential vibe to provide a comfortable cooking environment.

  • Countertops


Countertop materials can break or make the look. If you have spent so much on your entire space and you compromise on the countertops that do not really serve the aesthetic to the area and get not such a pretty piece in your kitchen, you probably have made a wrong decision.

Countertops are those functional units in the kitchen space that necessarily need to be durable, tough, and an eye-appealing addition. You will find ample options in countertop materials, make sure you choose the one that serves the functionality while maintaining the beauty.

  • Grocery Storage


Whether you are a food lover or not, your grocery items always require sufficient space. You can either have a free-standing grocery cabinet of the rolling pantry or a built-in one, your grocery items essentially need to be accommodated nicely to keep the space clutter-free.

  • Cooking tools and refrigerator


Gone are the days when people adjusted with the free-standing tools only. The technology advancements and modern kitchen designs enable incorporating all these kitchen essentials into the built-in design crafted explicitly according to the space.

With the unique designs created according to the space only, you don’t have to save the space for particular free-standing tools. You will get a design wholly blended with the interiors offering the desired functionality.

Once you have decided on all these essentials for your kitchen, it’s time to consider your kitchen space and start planning the same practically.

Are you worrying about where to start? To start with the kitchen renovations, here are some things you need to know in the planning phase only.

Kitchen appliances you must have

3. Factors to be considered!

  1. Determine what exactly you desire to attain with your renovation

Kitchen remodeling is not only about adding aesthetics or adding functionality individually. It is more than that. While choosing the combination of both requires the focus on better space utilization, adding extra functionality, or integrating the kitchen area with other spaces of the home.

Before choosing to remodel, you must determine what you want to attain before starting the actual execution. This will help you streamline the renovation and ensure that everyone involved is on the same page from the offset.

  1. Set a realistic budget

Before the renovation, it is essential to consider the budget that fits your pockets. There is no point in investing a lot in kitchen remodeling when your home’s property value is less or when the premium kitchen is out of the budget.

Do the homework well and try to estimate the cost before starting the execution process. Once you are clear about how much you can invest, you can begin the renovation part planning process.

No matter the size of your kitchen or budget, they do cost much more than the estimated ones while designing a kitchen. So don’t forget to keep this much leverage to keep your kitchen space beautiful devoid of the burning hole in the pocket.

You must

  • Frame your budget according to the realistic renovation expenses.
  • How long the renovation can last
  • How long do you have to save up your budget before renovations start
  • Also, seek professional advice to figure out other essential queries concerning expenses.

Additionally, there are some hidden costs for the space that are not always known to the person. So, keep the ideology accordingly.

  1. Plan the kitchen appliances carefully.

It is not uncommon for people to leave the appliances for the later phase while planning the remodeling. However, this later planning can lead to unexpected costs, and you may run out of budget.

Also, while considering the appliances for your kitchen space, you must consider the following factors.

  • Quality and longevity
  • Size
  • Flexibility
  • Ease of use
  • Energy efficiency
  • Features and technologies

However, there is no such hard and fast rule to consider how much you must spend on the kitchen appliances as it all depends upon the quality and budget.

Therefore, built-in appliances are indeed an extremely effective solution that fits perfectly within the kitchen’s dimensions and design while providing an elegant and seamless finish.

So don’t forget to

  • Identify and determine the appliance you will need, looking into their features like versatility, convenience, dimensions or built-in, performance value, and technological edge.
  • Identify the presence of your kitchen appliances
  • And then decide.
  1. It is all about the detailing.

Even the tiny details can make a huge difference. From faucets, tiles to the backsplash, ensure that you consider every element for your new kitchen.

It is essential to consider the materials for the things you want to incorporate in your kitchen design to get that ease of accessibility. The addition of such elements is easy to clean, stylish, and stands with a test of time.

  1. Decide the color scheme.

The color scheme can actually make or break the entire kitchen design. It significantly impacts the overall aesthetic of the space. Do work well on determining and identifying the color configuration that fits well in your kitchen design.

  • Decide the color combination that fits in the kitchen, matching the interiors.
  • Do not forget to consider the following:
  • Highly functional kitchens are generally the brighter ones with natural lighting.
  • Neutral colors mostly allow easy matching and easy cleaning.
  1. Consider getting a professional in

If you do not want your kitchen to look like a usual one, then you must consider approaching a professional who can design your kitchen the way you want.

Considering a bespoke kitchen can be an outstanding solution to remodel your kitchen space where the professional kitchen designers will spend time getting to know your requirements and style so that they can bring out your ideal kitchen’s vision to life.

For that desired sake of clarity, involving a professional in designing your kitchen space is one of the essential factors that you must consider.

The professionals are not only the designers or the builders, but they are the ones that actually know the intricacies of figuring out even the minute and critical details of the space.

  1. Think about the storage

Storage is the essential thing that people often consider. Storage spaces are supposed to keep things well organized and clutter-free.

Storage racks play a crucial role in keeping the kitchen space non-messy. You may find ample storage hacks online, but which one suits your kitchen space is indeed challenging to figure out.

Bespoke storage solutions allow you to play up with the area and generate the storage solutions exclusively according to the interior design and space.

So, you do not have to adjust to the awkward spaces. And while thinking about the storage solutions rather than thinking about the traditional storage door design, you will get plenty of options to experiment with, including materials, styles, designs, and colors.

Now that you have got enough information concerning the renovation essentials, whether it is about your kitchen renovation or complete home remodeling, you must get answers to several essential queries before moving to the actual execution phase.

How long will the renovation task take to complete?

Well, indeed a challenging question to answer in terms of number as the period may depend upon the space, the requirements, and several other factors.

But it is always a good idea to ask for the approximate time to get your functional piece ready. The experts can provide you with the approximate time to complete the renovation.

Can I use my kitchen during the renovation?

Undoubtedly, this is an essential question to answer, as the kitchen is the most used place of the home; if you are looking for the answer, this purely depends upon the professionals you have hired.

Several professionals allow you to do so while others demand free space to perform the construction tasks.

What will be the cost of renovation?

Since the accurate kitchen renovation cost is challenging to decide, your hired professional can suggest you with the best within the budget specified, so you don’t have to look at the banks to get it complete when you get out of budget.

Will someone be on the site each day to perform the kitchen renovations?

While the technology advancements allow you to prepare the kitchen designs outdoors and then fix them later, the bespoke kitchen designs and build-to-fit designs are the ones that indeed require on-site preparations to get that perfection in the outcome.

So, yes, there will be a team on-site to design your kitchen the way you have dreamt of.

How often should I renovate the kitchen?

Since the kitchen renovations not only interrupt the kitchen works only, it affects the entire house; it is challenging to perform renovations after every few years.

But yes, to get the kitchen designs updated and matching to your taste, you must plan the kitchen renovations every 10-15 years.

Additionally, as these renovations are not easy to perform frequently, you must choose quality products to keep your kitchen looking the same for the next 10-15 years.


Once you have figured out these essential factors for the renovations, you are only a few steps away from your plan execution.

Your search ends here!

Remodeling the kitchen or your home interiors is indeed a huge venture deal. But nothing can go wrong if you plan well! Planning for the renovations essentially requires a professional expert’s advice.

TEL Kitchen is a preeminent kitchen specialist that has excelled in providing quality services in the UK (United Kingdom). Give your kitchen a marvelous makeover with TEL Kitchen’s experts.

Are you looking for a modular kitchen expert providing quality and reliable services? Call us today at 020 8610 9655 or connect with us at

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